WordX Share

Reserved your subdomain now for only 42$/year (both xyz.wxl.app and xyz.endpoint.ca/wx) See Deets

Link Specification

A link is from a 'word' to 'x'. After creation navigating to https://free.wxl.app//word will redirect to your specified url.
Leave 'Expiry Date' blank for never.

Authentication Specification

Optionally you may require authentication. If no password AND no project is specified the link will not use authentication, everyone will have access. If a password is specified it may be used to access the link.

WordX is a link shortening service that allows you to create and secure links.
This is the creation page for creating a new link. You may create a link and leave it un-authenticated or share it with a project. If you need a secure way of sharing externally then add a password and share it with the recipient.